Saturday, September 13, 2008

As a disclaimer I would like to say that this is a blog for me to get out pent up things inside me that helps me to deal with issues in my life, I do not write this for others and if you choose to read it cool!

Growing up life was easy, too easy. Although my parents started out with a little less than nothing my brother and I never had to worry about food, and wanted for little. Mama and Daddy are both great parents, and I know they have raised two good kids. As time went on and my parents got good jobs and worked their way up, things got easier. We always went to church, my brother played football, I played in the band, we both had good friends and were mildly popular, basic cookie cutter Mississippi Southern Baptist family.

The easy life fell out from under us. And awaiting at the bottom was the closest thing to hell that I hope I will ever endure. My dad had been having an affair with a girl younger than me for a while, and we all knew it. My brother, dad, and I all worked together with this girl. None of us are stupid, but I guess my dad thought that we wouldn't know! My Mama finally did what we thought she never would do, although we didnt know it was her underlying plan for a while. She actually told my dad she wanted a divorce, and looking back it was a shock that it happend, but not because they were splitting, but the uncertainity of it all. And that Mama did it.

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